Name | Type | Description | Optional | Default |
attributeModifiers | Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifiers> | The attribute modifiers | Yes | None |
persistentData | Map<String, Object> | The persistent data | Yes | None |
type | EntityType | The type | No | N/A |
name | String | The name, can have colors | Yes | "" |
health | double | The health | Yes | Maximum |
nameVisible | boolean | Whether the name should be visible | Yes | false |
gravity | boolean | Whether the entity should be affected by gravity | Yes | true |
ai | boolean | Whether the entity should have AI | Yes | true |
invisible | boolean | Whether the entity should be invisible | Yes | false |
glowing | boolean | Whether the entity should glow | Yes | false |
canPickupItems | boolean | Whether the entity should be able to pick up items | Yes | false |
visualFire | boolean | Whether the entity should look as if it is on fire | Yes | false |
adult | boolean | Whether the entity should be an adult | Yes | false |
helmet | ItemWrapper | The helmet | Yes | None |
chestplate | ItemWrapper | The chestplate | Yes | None |
leggings | ItemWrapper | The leggings | Yes | None |
boots | ItemWrapper | The boots | Yes | None |
itemInMainHand | ItemWrapper | The item in the main hand | Yes | None |
itemInOffHand | ItemWrapper | The item in the offhand | Yes | None |
"type": "ZOMBIE",
"name": "%blue%Frozen Baby Zombie",
"nameVisible": true,
"gravity": false,
"ai": false,
"glowing": true,
"adult": false,
"helmet": {
"material": "LEATHER_HELMET"