Name | Type | Description |
velocity | Vector | The velocity |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | long | How long the entities should exist, unlimited by default |
entity | EntityBuilder | The entity |
number | int | The number of entities |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | long | The duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
multiplier | double | How much damage to reflect on the attacker |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | int | The duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
amplifier | int | The effect amplifier |
multiplier | double | How much damage to reflect on the player |
Name | Type | Description |
type | PotionEffectType | The effect type |
duration | int | The effect duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
amplifier | int | The effect amplifier |
hideParticles | boolean | Whether to hide the effect particles |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | long | How long should the weapon fly in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
velocity | Vector | The velocity |
damageMultiplier | double | How much of the actual weapon damage to deal |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | int | The duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
velocity | Vector | The velocity |
Name | Type | Description |
range | double | The range |
Name | Type | Description |
function | Function3 | The function describing the shape |
particle | Particle | The particle used to create the shape |
fireDuration | int | How long the entities should burn in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
Name | Type | Description |
projectileType | EntityType | The projectile type |
projectileVelocity | Vector | The projectile velocity |
duration | int | How long to freeze hit entity in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
Name | Type | Description |
number | int | The number of fangs |
Name | Type | Description |
block | Material | The block |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | long | The duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
Name | Type | Description |
power | double | The explosion power |
Name | Type | Description |
type | EntityType | The projectile type |
velocity | Vector | The projectile velocity |
Name | Type | Description |
function | Function2 | The function describing the shape |
Name | Type | Description |
function | Function2 | The function describing the shape |
particle | Particle | The particle used to create the shape |
knockback | Vector | How much to knock back the entities within range |
height | double | How high to knock back the entities within range |
damage | double | How much to damage the entities within range |
range | double | The range |
Name | Type | Description |
duration | long | The duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
function | Function3 | The function describing the shape |
particle | Particle | The particle used to create the shape |
disableAttack | boolean | Whether the player should not be able to attack other entities |
Name | Type | Description |
distance | int | The maximum distance |
Name | Type | Description |
type | PotionEffectType | The effect type |
duration | int | The effect duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) |
amplifier | int | The effect amplifier |
hideParticles | boolean | Whether to hide the effect particles |
velocity | Vector | The potion velocity |
Name | Type | Description |
command | String | The command |