/pets | Opens the pet menu | pets.command.pets | N/A | Yes |
/togglepets | Toggles the visibility of your pets | pets.command.togglepets | N/A | Yes |
/reloadpets | Reloads the configuration files | pets.command.reloadpets | N/A | OP |
/petsinfo | Shows information about available pets, stats, and crafting recipes | pets.command.petsinfo | /pi | Yes |
/petsgive <id> [player] | Gives you or the player a pet, experience booster, or candy | pets.command.petsgive | N/A | OP |
/clearpets | Removes all of your pets | pets.command.clearpets | N/A | Yes |
/updatepets | Updates the plugin | pets.command.updatepets | N/A | OP |
/petslang <language> | Changes the language of the plugin | pets.command.petslang | N/A | OP |